The court may grant your divorce on the 91st day following the filing of your Petition for Dissolution.
Divorce Procedure
When can I file for divorce in Colorado?
In Colorado, you must have been a resident of the state for 90 days prior to the filing for divorce.
Can I change my name at the time of divorce?
Yes, though you must request your name be restored prior to the finalization of your decree. Your name can only be changed to one that you previously used.
Does Colorado grant divorces based on marital fault?
No, Colorado is a no-fault state.
Can I complete my divorce without hiring an attorney?
It is possible to complete your divorce without representation by an attorney. However, it is not recommended as this process is emotional and often more difficult than originally expected. An attorney can ensure that your interests are protected during the process as well as give you valuable advice on the overall proceedings. It is especially dangerous to represent yourself in divorce court if the divorce is contested.