Prior to 2001, a custodial mother could relocate with her child even though the non-custodial father would be remaining in Colorado and objected to the move. As long as certain conditions were met, the court almost always granted the move. Now, though, any move of a custodial parent must be in the best interests of the child, according to updated Colorado child relocation laws. Since Colorado began using the “best interests of the child doctrine” as a determining factor in parental relocation, the court does not automatically grant a presumption or advantage to either parent. Neither do they allocate the Read more
New ‘Best Interest’ Colorado Child Custody Law
When parents go to court to battle over whom shall be the parent with the most parental rights, the judge must decide who is the better and most appropriate parent for the job. By the time a child custody case reaches this level, there are commonly numerous written reports from mediators, social workers, therapists, doctors, and other professional personnel associated with the custody case. Perhaps the saddest example, nationally, of children being with the wrong parent is the Josh Powell case. For those who don’t remember, Josh was the dad who grabbed his two boys from the social worker at Read more